Helping Us Grow (HUG)
What is HUG?
HUG is a free home visiting program that serves expecting parents and families with children ages 0-3 who live within McHenry County. HUG provides personalized parenting and family support that is tailored to each family’s unique needs. Helping Us Grow promotes the optimal early development, learning, and health of children by supporting, engaging, and empowering their parents and caregivers.
We believe that caregivers are their child's first and most important teacher. Evidence shows that the experiences that caregivers provide to their children in the first few years of life lead to their children's success. Children come into this world ready for love and learning, but parenting is hard and children are not born with directions!
What services does HUG provide?
HUG provides free home-visiting services that follow the Caregiver as Teachers curriculum, an evidence-based early childhood model that builds strong communities and thriving families with children who are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
Caregivers join together with their family support specialist to develop goals and plan what they want to happen through their home visiting experience. Each visit is designed to support caregivers in three main areas: positive caregiver-child interactions, child development, and family wellness. We work together to build stronger relationships within families and improve overall family well-being.
Who is eligible for HUG services?
Families in McHenry County who are expecting a child or have children under the age of 3.
Priority populations include families experiencing:
Housing instability
Families utilizing public benefits, including WIC SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, or Child Care Assistance (CCAP)
Teen pregnancy or parenting
Engagement with Early Intervention services or families with children who have developmental delays
Involvement with DCFS, including Intact and Foster Care
Families whose primary language is not English